The hardest part of letting go is the moment right before we’re doing it. At that moment, we already know by heart that we let this go, but we didn’t do it yet.
Why would we let go? Or should I say… Why should?
The cheesy answer: I don’t know, but sometimes we should do what we should do, right?
The logic answer: We designed and built as a person with certain capacity. I think our life is also have it’s limit. That’s why, we know the very concept of priority.
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What’s made letting go is such a hard thing?
I’m still figuring it out, but I think it’s because we entering a whole new decision that still feel strange. The thing we used to have usually brought us safety or comfort, even tough it’s only our own illusion.
And when the moment comes, it could be swift, it could be slow. But, this too shall passed.
It also could passed in many different way. The hurt will strike right after we did it. After the heat is cooling down, we’ll get to the one of my favorite moment: The reflection. Why we do this at the first place. The sweet journey. The pain after. The lesson. And what of this can made us stronger.
The very critical point of priority is the plan it’s keeping. At the end, it comes to vision of what kind of a person we want to be. All of this is part of the journey that did not need any regrets, but we should find a way to use it to made us a better person.